Thursday, 1 November 2012

Must Take Exta Care Before Link Building

                                                                 Blog has posted by leading SEO Company India

Link building, today is most effective/dangerous way of site promotion/demotion; it all depends on your link building capabilities. Proper care should be taken before or while link building for your business website? What is meaning of proper care? Below mentioned point will clear all your doubts regarding link building:

1-Penalized/Banned Sites: Google frequently updates its search quality and also try to keep this as effective as it was earlier. In this race of modification some sites get penalized/banned by Google because of their low quality links or duplicate content. If you are connecting your site to these types of sites then get ready for a bigger flip.
Suggestion: Check every site in Google for penalty issues. (Type in Google Site: If you are getting some index pages then your site is ok which means it is not panelized.

2-Directory Submission: Most SEOs have stopped this off page SEO activity but still I have not because I have been taking care of such major issues. Let’s disclose some internal points that would clear the right way of directory submission. Before Google Panda and Penguin updates SEOs had been doing more than 100 directories in less than 1 hour. But after Google Panda and Penguin updates mostly directories have got banned or penalized by Google. So, if we work like 2010 then our sites will also…
Suggestion (Right way of work): Search some good DA, PA sites which must be 3 years old then start collecting a huge list after doing this process - (Type in Google Site: If you are getting some index pages then site is ok (not penalized or banned).SEOmoz have 400 directory sites for submissions so why not you availing such facilities?

3-Links from unrelated Sites: Large webmasters try to collect some links through irrelevant sites, which is truly destructive for site promotion. (Example- If you have travel site and collecting links from tutorial site then that will not solve the purpose)
Suggestion: Without significant reason don’t put your site’s link into any other site. If your site is related to travel and you are taking links from tutorial sites then that links are worthless.

4-Low Quality Do Follow Links: This link building activity was famous before some major search engine updates, but now it has totally changed. Some SEOs has been collection links from some low quality forum or blog sites, do follow forum sites and also through do follow blog commenting but main problem is that work is going on.
Suggestion: Don’t collect links from low quality forum or blog sites. It had been working (I am not sure) but no longer now.

1 comment:

  1. You are exactly right, seo has become more diffcult after Google penguin update. Now we have to be more careful in building links, low quality links can effect your site.

